No, sir...This is work related.
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
in the two days since i've started this, i've mentally created an evergrowing list of issues to discuss ranging from a question that has haunted me lately as to who in fact sets the standard and who decides that their standard is in equal measurement to those that are to live up to it where i can't just set the bar so high that no one could ever be standard or so low that everyone is above standard because standard is synonymically congruent to normal or ordinary or run of the mill, to past relationships which include but are not limited to aquaintances and friends and how people often settle into a relationship whether by convenience or necessity or insecurity that they can't do better, communication or the lack thereof that wedges itself into most relationships whether that relationship in itself is intimate or not which includes the everpresent evanescence of friendships over time and since jaymi has already expressed her thoughts on this subject thus essentially calling cyber-dibs on the topic consequently eliminating the opportunity for me to discuss my relevant views in this forum, i shall adhere to the rules i have set for myself as to not merely comment on something someone else has said but in fact create a topic all my own knowing that in perhaps when i feel enough time has passed those same cyber-dibs would essentially be null and i can stand atop my soapbox and pass my sentiment out upon whosoever chooses to read but i am honestly tired right now having come in to work early at 7 and still be here now, 12 hours later in a day full of "i need this now"s, "would you mind doing this for me"s, and "get for me"s and will consequently double my efforts tomorrow having ample time to add to the ocean of ideas in my head.

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