No, sir...This is work related.
Thursday, November 20, 2003
relating back to a subject i touched on yesterday, status drives me nuts and what i can absolutely not stand are people -- especially guys -- who feel that they have to have the best of everything: the best clothes, the best cars, the biggest muscles, the coolest friends, have gone to the best schools, have been on the coolest vacations, have the best house, are the best athletes (best, coolest, smartest, strongest -- damn words that end in -est) because it's that archetypical egotistical, pompous, self absorbed, narcissistic, megalomaniacal bastards that i see everyday and i, to use the phrase loosely, pray to god that my character, my behavior, my thoughts don't ever even come close to anything of the sort else i would be so overwrought with disgust at what i'd become for i know i could never truly be happy with myself if this happened and in fact clandestine amdist this disgust lies sorrow or rather pity that i feel for them knowing that they are constantly searching for that next thing whatever it is that makes them feel better than all the rest, that next thing and then the next thing and then the next and it's a neverending cycle that they're stuck in and they're not even themselves anymore but an automated machine searching for that unatainable ecstasy, a robot that lacks emotion that lacks feeling and doesn't even realize that they're not human anymore.
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