No, sir...This is work related.
Friday, January 16, 2004
Sometimes you feel like honoring the underappreciated or the slandered. Sometimes you think a person just got a bad rap. Sometimes you wish people would see someone the same way you see someone. Sometimes it's impossible, but that's why it's sometimes and not allthetimes. Sometimes you used to watch his show when you were little. Sometimes you remember that some really famous people got their start on the show. Sometimes you remember that you wrote a letter when you were 8 years old to the production company because you wanted an autographed picture. Sometimes you remember that you sent it to CBS instead. Sometimes you remember that those bastards just told you that you need to send a letter to the production company instead of forwarding on your letter. Sometimes you were too lazy to follow through with the original plan. Sometimes you watch his Adventure and laugh hysterically. Sometimes you wish you were in the circus with Kris Kristofferson. Sometimes you think you would've eaten the egg salad sandwich. Sometimes you wish you could ride on an elephant. Sometimes you forget you watch a movie because the death scene is hilarious, and then it gets old, and you grow older and realize who the better vampire slayer is. Sometimes a stint as a male secretary is a desperate struggle to maintain a spot on the B list of celebrities. Sometimes toilet humor is just where it's at. Sometimes it's better to bow out gracefully while you're on top, than to fight the truth that your 15 minutes is up....

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