No, sir...This is work related.
Sunday, February 29, 2004

yearning for the sounds of KRGR Kro-ger ra-di-oooooooo

Kroger doesn't exist out here. A lot of places don't exist out here. I have yet to see an Arby's a Hardee's or a Dunkin Donuts.

But they do have a Ralph's. Supermarkets of choice are Ralph's, Albertsons, Vons, and nature food friendly Trader Joe's. I think there's a rule about supermarket names having to end in "s". So I suppose it makes sense that people (ie. my dad) calls Kroger, "Krogers." The only thing that's worse is when people add "the" in front of the name, as in "The Kroger." When I was a cashier my junior year in high school, I'd secretly laugh at those people.

So I spent some time getting more acquainted with the products for sale in such a fine establishment. A couple things stuck out:

Special Recipe
From Concentrate With A Blend
Of Melissa And Lemongrass

Now do little tiny babies need to be eating veal? Apparently little tiny Beverly Hills babies need to eat veal. Honestly....does anyone else think that's weird?

Cottonelle with Ripples
Now it's ribbed for her AND his pleasure. Do we need ribbed toilet paper? What do you think the guy was doing when he thought of this? "Boy it sure would be great if I could feel ribs everytime I wipe my ass."

I'm sure there's a joke here somewhere.
Just can't put my finger on it.

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