No, sir...This is work related.
Thursday, April 29, 2004
what's with today, today?
today is definitely one of those days. you know those days. we've all had 'em. where the world's personal vendetta against you comes to light, and everyone you come across conspires to make your day absolutely horrible.
for starters, the wings were up 2-0 in the second period over the flames, and then, in a total span of 18 seconds, the game was tied. i was stunned. this ain't yo mama's peewee league. we're talkin stanley cup playoffs, and the team with the most future hall of fame players per capita's defense gets ripped apart faster than steve buscemi's character in fargo. 18 seconds! honestly....
going back for seconds: still cleaning up the mess from yesterday at work, but instead of making things nice and neat and smoothing things over, i'm at that point when you're on the teacups at disneyland where it stops being fun and you start feeling nauseous, that point where you realize things are just out of your control as you try to grab hold and slow things down. mind you, it's not an altogether unpleasant feeling, but it's not something i recommend.
day just got a little bit better: a dominating performance by the wings around the halfway point of the third period, controlling in the flames zone, sticks banging, bodies falling to the ground, a sweet goal. that taste i sense building up in my mouth is not the remains of the tv dinner i finished only moments ago, but the fruity nectar of victory. ay, there's the rub...
things on my mind:
tomorrow's friday. week went by super duper fast. i think what bothers me most is that the past couple days i've been watching the clock for the last hour everyday at work. i don't want to be like that. i want to be so caught up in my job that i'm surprised everytime 5:30 comes around.
i've been reading everyone's AIM away messages lately. apparently it's finals week. and the thing about tech students is that they don't really come out and say "it's finals week", but rather there's a unusually high surge of "i hate Tech" messages. one of the biggest changes i've noticed about myself is that i no longer have the school calendar body clock going on.
when i was in school i could always tell you how many days until xmas break or spring break or finals week. lately i'm lucky if i know what day it is. they all seem to run together. monday = make toys. tuesday = make toys, meeting, make toys. wednesday = make toys. thursday = make toys, meeting, make toys. friday = make toys. see? it's kinda repetitive, and if there's anything i hate it's something that repeats itself something that repeats itself. can't stand it. so i find things to amuse myself every now and then. so far i've created a plastic cat graveyard, the leaning tower of Nestle Quik bottlecaps, and a harem of very ugly dolls dressed in evening gowns and clown makeup. i've been toying with the idea of creating a new line that would compete with the hip, urban styling of Bratz or the classical elegance of Barbie. i'm going to make White Trash Bridget. now, i don't profess to be the best designer in the world, but if you ever pay attention, dolls have really ugly clothes.
yeah, that's about enough for now. it's 9:30 and i'm exhausted. this weekend i can already hear the beach calling my name. muy excellent times await.
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